Frequently Asked Questions

How do you generate leads?

We have an in-house media buying team that drives leads from dozens of Internet traffic sources. A certain portion of leads are generated by our partner websites, where we carefully select which leads to buy from them and which not to buy, which results in higher lead quality than if you were to buy from these same websites directly. This allows us to have better control over the quality and relevance of the leads, which results in higher conversion rates and a more efficient lead generation process. The leads generated via partner sites are also exclusive (same as the leads from and we also monitor and ensure that they are TCPA-Compliant.

Are your leads TCPA-Compliant?

Yes!  Our leads are exclusively provided to only one contractor, and the name of the contractor is provided to the customer when they submit their information.  There are no shared leads with HomeBuddy, and we do not sell leads to more than one contractor.

How many leads can you provide per week?

Your lead generation program will be designed to fit your needs and your budget.  The more Zip Codes your company services, and the more verticals you cover, the more leads we will be able to provide.

Is there a contract? Can I cancel anytime?

No contracts with HomeBuddy!  You can cancel, or place your program on pause, at any time.

What is the minimum budget you recommend I start with?

We recommend you plan to start with a minimum of 25 leads/week or 5 appointments/week

What is HomeBuddy's service area?

HomeBuddy is a nationwide lead generation service and we cover all of the continental US.  We do not provide leads in Alaska or Hawaii at this time.

Can I customize my HomeBuddy coverage area?

Yes! You can share a list of  ZIP Codes you service, choose a central point and service a radius from there (50 miles, for example).  Or you can choose a central point and radius, then remove specific ZIP Codes you don’t service.

What verticals does HomeBuddy service? Do you plan to add more?

HomeBuddy services many Home Improvement verticals, and we add more every year.  Please see our home page for a full listing of our available verticals, or Book a Call with us and we can answer your specific questions.


Do you partner with other lead generation companies?

The majority of our leads come from homeowners who come directly to However a portion of our leads are generated by partner websites, where we carefully select only the highest quality leads available.  Like all HomeBuddy leads, the leads generated from these partner sites are exclusive and TCPA-compliant.

How do I know I'm getting the best leads?

At HomeBuddy, we rely on automated, daily disposition reports from our clients to identify opportunities to maximize our performance and the return on your marketing investment.  Your Partnership Manager is highly skilled at interpreting these reports and recommending optimizations.

Do I have to pay any money upfront?

With HomeBuddy, you only pay for the leads we deliver.  There are no upfront costs, and no contracts.  

How is your advertising branded?

Our advertisements are all branded with HomeBuddy, and it has become a trusted source for home improvement shoppers.  We connect with these shoppers and provide one of our approved contractors as a solution to their needs, creating a positive experience for both the homeowner and the contractor.

What CRMs do you integrate with?

We integrate with dozens of CRMs, with more added every month.   Some of the most frequently used are:

  • Acculynx
  • HubSpot
  • Improveit360
  • LeadPerfection
  • MarketSharp
  • SalesForce
  • Service Titan
  • And many more!

If I do not have a CRM, can I still get opportunities from HomeBuddy?

Yes!  We also offer  a full call center solution with our appointments program.  We can respond to leads and set appointments on behalf of your sales team. Our call center is open 7 days a week, up t0 15 hours a day!

Can leads be sent to me by email?

We do not send leads by email, we deliver leads through your CRM integration.  Don't have a CRM? That's ok too, we can also set appointments for you.  

Are there minimum requirements for my company to receive leads from HomeBuddy?

Quality is very important to us, and we want to be sure the homeowners who trust HomeBuddy with their needs get the best possible service. We require our contractor partners have a minimum of 30 online reviews with an average of 4.5 stars, or 50 reviews with an average of 3.5 stars.  We also require you to have a company website and to have been in business for a minimum of two years.

Do I need to have a call center to receive HomeBuddy leads?

You will receive a large volume of leads from your HomeBuddy program, and we want to be sure homeowners get contacted as quickly as possible!  Your call center will be key to your program's success, or our HomeBuddy call center can respond to the leads you receive.  

Does HomeBuddy have a credit policy?

Yes, we go over the credit policy with our contractors multiple times throughout the process to ensure a full and complete understanding of the program.

Can I set up multiple offices on separate campaigns?

Absolutely! Our Partnership Managers can ensure each office has its own individual campaign, budget and reporting.

Does HomeBuddy integrate with my call center software?

We integrate with multiple call center software programs.  For more information on this, please reach out and we will be happy to walk you through how our program can work for you. 

Where is your call center located? Where will my account manager be?

At HomeBuddy, we are proud to be a global organization with staff from around the world.  We are headquartered in Switzerland, but our call centers, sales teams and account managers are located across the US and Canada.

Have more questions?

We would love a chance to answer all your questions! Please book a call with the button below.